Sweet Home Community Yard Sale
Sweet Home Community Yard Sale
Saturday, May 13, 2023 (8:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (PDT)
If your garage, shop, and closets are full of spring cleaning casualties, submit your address to have your yard sale on the Sweet Home Community Yard Sale map! And if you're looking for great deals on household items, furniture, and other goodies. In that case, you will want to attend the upcoming community yard sales on May 13th, June 17th, July 8th & August 5th! To make it easier for shoppers to find all the sales, the Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce will provide a map of all the participating properties. You can pick up a printed copy of the map the Friday before the sale at the Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce, City Hall, or the garage sale board at 18th & Long Street. The community yard sale isn't just about finding great deals. It's also a chance to get out and meet your neighbors and other community members. Many of the sales will be hosted by families looking to downsize or clear out some clutter. So you can strike up a conversation and make some new friends! If you want to host a sale at your property, sign up at sweethomechamber.com or at https://forms.gle/9zw7cLnYkpoCzgaW9